Background Check Companies - What Can They Do For You?

Background check companies perform different types of checks. However, it depends on the employer what kind of information he wants to get related to the candidate. Background check companies through their services confirm a prospective employee has a clean record and can be relied upon as honest and truthful and would be a great addition to their company.

Many types of background check services are performed in different situations. To help you have a better understanding of each check, we've compiled a list of different kinds of most common checks mostly background check companies perform.

Criminal history check:

Whenever an employer thinks of performing a background check, first consider a criminal history check. Through this check, companies verify the prior criminal activity of the candidate. 

Through a criminal background check, the employer ensures that the applicant will not pose a future risk to the workplace.

Background check companies perform the following record searches.

  • National criminal database, 

  • county criminal courts, 

  • federal and state criminal records, 

  • sex offender registries, 

  • domestic and global terrorist watch list.

Education verification:

Many applicants fake education certificates and degrees to get their dream job. As long as no knowledge or expertise of the subject is acquired. Such candidates become a liability for companies. To save companies from this situation background checks companies perform education checks. In which the candidate's educational certificates are verified, and the candidate's information is taken from the specific college or university from which the education was obtained.

Drug screening:

specific industries like driving, aviation, and security, require periodic drug and alcohol testing. Background check companies conduct drug testing of their customers to keep their workplace safe, through which it is ascertained whether the candidate consumes any drug or not.

Sexual offender registry check:

Background check companies perform an extensive background check report to perform a sex offenders registry search with a potential candidate. Such a check will rule out potentially hiring someone with a history of sexual offenses. This check helps reduce a company's risk of workplace sex offenses or violence.


The checks discussed above are the main checks that background checks companies must perform to provide a comprehensive background check report to their clients.


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